Friday, May 10, 2013


Great Gram went to live with Jesus in Heaven, I explained to Penny. After an initial "why?", she stopped asking questions and started saying things like "oh, and God is there too, and Our Father is in Heaven." Her little tangents made me smile. 
Gram was feisty. She lost her sight years ago to a brain tumor. So when I was pregnant with both Penny & Porter, she not only felt my belly to 'see' how it grew, but she grabbed my boobs too ;) 
I remember digging for worms with her in her backyard, walking to the store and riding in her little white car with all The windows open. Dressing up in her jewelry  and building houses out of little blocks right beside her. Playing for hours at the playground. Making farina, jelly, ambrosia, halupkies and, my favorite, toast in the coal stove. She had cable and let us watch Nickelodeon. She introduced me to Days of Our Lives.
We shared a sweet tooth :) There was always a box of Swedish fish in the drawer. Gram loved busy work and time passers that required patience- solitaire & paint by numbers. Each night, she got on her knees to say her prayers.
After she lost her sight, she loved to listen to books on tape and good music. She loved to talk and tell stories.  She loved my babies!
I don't know how much Gram knew about Porter's extra chromosome. We never told her. On a recent visit, I was giving Aunt Sue an update, talking about how he wasn't walking yet. Gram said to me "he'll walk when he's good and ready and there's no sense in worrying about it." Wise words during a moment of clarity! 
Aunt Sue took care of her for many years and no one will miss her more. We love you Gram!
At the viewing, Gram was dressed in a beautiful pink dress. Penny thought she looked like sleeping beauty and keeps asking about Great Grams princess dress :) I hope she's seeing my kids from up above, watching over them, Dahlia, baby Annie & Aubrey! Rest in peace Gram!
Gram taught us our nursery rhymes, and I can't stop saying "one, two, buckle my shoe" when I see this picture of the kids! She was with them for sure!

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