Friday, November 20, 2015

Ballerina turkey and other tales from kindergarten

Penny's class has been learning about the first thanksgiving. The details she picks up are fascinating. She recounted the first thanksgiving for us last night with accurate details that I didn't learn that young- she feels bad that the Pilgrims stole the Native American's land. If she could bring one thing onto the Mayflower, it would be a bathroom. She really is learning so much in Kindergarten! 
Here she is with her ballerina turkey. I love that she takes charge and has a vision for these projects. They may not be perfectly put together or Pinterest worthy, but they are hers. She owns them! 
RC and I HS the opportunity to visit her classroom this week. It was great to see her in action. Her teacher is enthusiastic. Her class is diverse. She is learning to be responsibile for herself. Most importantly, she seems really happy. In science, she was learning about plants. In math, she's learning the numbers 8 & 9. In reading, she's been grouped with another child who is reading and while the other kids are learning the fundamentals, they are challenging each other at their own level. They're stretching out words to learn how to spell. I love when she comes home with worksheets that she's clearly spelled on her own! 
She's excited to learn. Not only in the classroom, but everywhere. She's becoming confident in her monkey bar tricks on the playground, making friends from other classes and loving each special (library, health, art, music and gym). Kindergarten looks good on you sweet girl! Keep up the good work sister! 

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