Wednesday, July 8, 2015

This girl...

This girl has big opinions these days. 
She knows change is coming. She's an amazing big sister, but the change is still hard for her.
She's into legos...the tiny ones that are hard for me to put together. She's let go of fear in the swimming pool and is becoming our little fishy. She's reading books to her brother at bed time. She's constantly  making us laugh. She had Porter's Physical Therapist in tears on Monday morning...she bounded into the room and announced to Miss Ellen that she had a wiggly tooth. Miss Ellen said that was just another exciting thing that was going to happen here and without skipping a beat Penny said, "Yeah! Maybe my wiggly tooth and the baby will fall out on the same day!"
She loves her new baby cousins. She wants to learn to ride her bike. She's having a blast on field trips at school. She proudly announces to everyone she meets that she's almost in kindergarten. She loves the playground and tends to make playground friends easily, which is so fun to see.
She's into dress up and dancing and constantly wants to put on shows for us. 
She craves independence in all areas- from wanting to pick her own meals to wanting to put on her own sunscreen. She's been a huge help at bedtime most nights while daddy is coaching and has been extra snugly lately. She's also had her fair share of meltdowns over silly things. And, she hates having her hair brushed. She's my girl...I love her imagination and the way she's exploring her world. I love her!

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